The establishment of vibrant BEC in every parish as the New Way of Being. To create in the Archdiocese of Calcutta a Communion of Communities wherein the Laity, Religious and Priests, live as sisters and brothers in and out of the church sustaining deeper faith in GOD among all people to proclaim the love of Christ.
Every individual’s mission/journey as a baptized person, originates from the family whether associated with Youth formation, Education, Health, Social Justice etc, it is for the whole common good of the people.
The Small Christian Community is a Communion of Communities of neighbourhood families, based on the very vision of the Apostolic Basic Christian Communities set forth to establish the Kingdom of God under the Lord’s supervision while he walked on this earth for 40 days after HIS Resurrection.
Small Christian Communities based on the Word of God follows the mission of Basic Christian Communities transforming itself to Basic Ecclesial Communities where the Ecclesial (Priest Religious and Lay) walking together conforming to the teachings of the Mother Church walking together (Synodal Church) in Communion, Participation and Mission with the guidance and discernment of the Holy Spirit through the Gospel Sharing. Starting with the Families following the Commandment of the Lord:
You shall love the Lord, your God, with all your heart, with all your being, with all your strength, and with all your mind, and your neighbour as yourself.” Luke 10:27 of the neighbourhood conforming to the Word of God and Four Marks of the Church. ONE HOLY CATHOLIC AND APOSTOLIC CHURCH is possible by invigorating suitable Animators at the Parish level to proclaim and make the Word of God the center of the lives in every family. Be the salt and light so that being doers of the good works Glorifying GOD.
(Adopted from the Proposal of Synod 2017)
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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consec adipisici elit sed do eiusmo tempor incididunt ut labo et dolore magna.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consec adipisici elit sed do eiusmo tempor incididunt ut labo et dolore magna.